Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Would "Dragon Tales" Step up to the Plate Already!

Of all the shows I watch with my children "Dragon Tales" might be the hardest to watch. Day in and day out I sit by and watch "Dragons" take children on a magic adventure in "Dragon Land." If you have ever watched this show then it is painfully obvious that these "Dragons" have canine teeth. As we all remember these teeth are designed for the tearing and shredding of meat and the killing of prey. So when are the creators of "Dragon Tales" going to step up to the plate? All I am saying is that me and my children demand blood! We are talking about 3 small bilingual Hispanic children who are purposely sending themselves to Dragon Land day in and day out. I'm sure somewhere the Chinese are watching this and are furiously screaming at the TV "WHAT THE HECK!!! YOU ARE A FIERCE WARRIOR DRAGON!!! EAT THOSE DAMN CHILDREN AND THEN EAT EACH OTHER!!! HAVE YOU NO COURAGE!!!" (yes...I like exclamation points) On the other side of this maybe there is some sort of Racism going on here? Maybe the children are not being eaten only because they are Hispanic! Maybe these Dragons are racist as all get out and are just waiting for some white kids to wish themselves to Dragon Land. If this is the case, then I say...shame on you PBS! The Latino community has made great strides for equal rights and you would deny them being eaten by a group of cute and cuddly killing machines simply cause of the color of there skin or rich cultural heritage! I for one do not want to live in a country where we can't all be brutally killed and eaten in a cartoon format as equals! I say we let the good people of Japan take a whack at just 2 or 3 episodes and see what changes? Imagine it...."Ninja Scroll" meets
"Dragon Tales"...who wouldn't watch...I mean learn from that.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA! Oh man. I am just wondering who left the dang scale behind and didn't come back for it? Maybe it WAS the white kid. Maybe he got eaten by the dragons in Dragon Land, and the parents couldn't find him anywhere, because he wasn't in THEIR world. So they couldn't handle the pain anymore and moved, as to not be reminded by their missing son, who is a mangled mess in Dragon Land.

