Sunday, May 16, 2010

Am I racist or are you stupid?

Am I a racist or are some people just retarded?

I was watching the news the other night and I saw that a teacher (whom I'm assuming is white) was upset at a girl (who is black) for not knowing who Martin Luther King Jr. is. The mom was on TV saying " Why is she supposed to know who MLK is just because she is black?" Um....BECAUSE!!!!!

1.) How the heck does anyone currently alive and living in the US not know who MLK is? The man was THE LARGEST force in the battle for equal rights for blacks and other minorities and was on of the most influential people of all time!

2.) I remember when I was in Jr. High and we had to endure all the "Black History Months" (not that I don't think black history is important...but if it is significant..why not just call it history? why go out of our way to segregate it?) and he came up time and time again, how could this girl have avoided him for so long? Two things you could count on during black history month at the schools I went to were black poetry, and a lot of things about MLK.

3.) Every town has a MLK street in it (almost always in a bad part of that town/city ironically) and you think kids would be curious as to who that is? Just so happens that in this city (Vegas) it is a major street.

4.) Hate to say it....YES, BECAUSE YOU ARE BLACK I WOULD HOPE IT MEANS SOMETHING MORE TO YOU! I would sincerely hope that people like MLK, W.E.B. Dubois, Jackie Robinson, and Jack Johnson (boxer/inventor not the musician) mean something more to black people. I would hope that if a man fought so hard that it cost him his life to try to give you're family a better shake at life in this country you would be grateful and hold a special place for him. I'm not black (pics may have given that away) and I have great respect for what MLK did and stood for. He had a respect, and a honest love for people that no one has been able to replicate.

5.) Is the kid's mother straight up retarded? If I was another black person and I saw a black mother say "Why does my kid need to know who MLK is just cause she's black?" I would sh&% a brick and want to slap her! How little have you taught your child about the world and the important people in it if she doesn't know who MLK is? YOU SHOULD BE EMBARRASSED! I would hope after being interviewed by the local news she contacted her local physician to get her head removed from her rear and tell her child the important yet dark chapter in this countries history of oppression of minorities.

Does this make me a racist? I'm not sure? I do know for sure that my children will never be able to utter something so stupid because I'll be sure to educate them about something so significant.

1 comment:

  1. I sure love you.

    Who IS MLK, by the way??? HA! Just kidding!
