Monday, May 3, 2010

How does Sheen Keep Getting Work?

Have you ever heard someone say "I don't beleive in God! How could a just creator allow bad things to happen to good people?" This is a common sentiment for many people who feel that life is supposed to be perfect. To be honest, that question doesn't trouble me so much. I am under the understanding that this life is to test us and for us to be brave in the face of opposition. In fact the question that bugs me is the opposite one. HOW THE HELL DO GOOD THINGS KEEP HAPPENING TO BAD PEOPLE???? Wait...Cody, how can that be? um...Charlie Sheen

In 1990 Charlie Sheen "accidentally" SHOT HIS FIANCE Kelly Preston in the arm from close range and they split up. Then in 1995 he was brave enough to give love another shot and marry Donna Pelle....During that time though he managed to run that relationship in the ground by admittedly frequenting brothels! Then to help manage his sex addiction he starts dating Ginger Lynn and Heather Hunter...yes...they are both porn stars. Now I know what you are thinking...we have the sex and guns...where are the drugs? He managed to OD trying to shoot up cocaine in 1998! Then Finally he married Denise Richards (yes he made the transition from people staring in hardcore porn to softcore porn) and had 2 children. He then managed to threaten Denise with physical violence and verbal abuse and admitted he spends thousands a year on prostitutes. Thus that marriage ended. Now he is Married and has 2 more kids with now wife Brooke Mueller. He then spent last Christmas in a jail cell in Aspen Colorado for 2nd degree assault on Brooke! After being charged he was back off to Rehab (his press said as a "preventative measure" which I guess means after everything else now?)

So under the "God decides what is just" theory we have in place poor Charlie should be in a world of hurt right? I mean by all means he should be beaten every morning and have his testicles electrocuted every night? Nope, Sheen has now been in over 60 movies and has starred in 2 sitcoms! He Still remains married and continues to attract women despite the fact he has been with tons of hookers/porn stars, uses drugs, and shoots and or beats his ladies down.

So what is the next act....I think Michael Douglas can help us with that. See any similarities?

That's right! CHARLIE SHEEN IS FALLING DOWN! Look at all he has in common with William Foster (Michael Douglas) from the motion picture 'Falling Down'

1. Is divorced (twice).
2. Has Children with divorced wife and he doesn't have custody over them.
3. Not afraid to brandish a gun!
4. Breaks the law over and over and over again!
5. Obviously is oblivious to the fact he is breaking the law.
6. Both are easily pushed "over the edge"

So this will play out by Sheen going back after Denise Richards and telling her " We are not really Divorced! I'm coming home TO SEE MY DAUGHTER ON HER BIRTHDAY!" Of Coarse instead of being blasted by a soon-to-be retired police officer on a ocean pier he will undoubtedly be slapped on the wrist by a judge who liked 'Hot Shots Part Deux', win a golden globe, 2 Emmies, and will return to '2 and 1/2 Men' where he currently collects $800,000 per episode.

So next time you think "how can God let bad things happen to good people," remember a douche like Charlie Sheen and you'll see it can work both ways. We create out own destinies and God loves us so much he has given us the free will to do so (even if we use it on hookers and blow).

1 comment:

  1. HA! I guess that's one way to put it. HA! Thanks for a different outlook. HA!
