Sunday, May 2, 2010

Tolerance, Even You Can Do It!!!

Today I thought would be a good time to talk about tolerance. I don't think it is necessary for all of us to accept one another, I do think that we should be able to at least tolerate one another. It seems like all to often we can't understand what other people are going through so we judge them so harshly without thinking.

For example let's say that you are at ANY random intersection/gas station/Wal*Mart parking lot in the Vegas Valley and you heard and felt someone listening to Rap music at such a volume that it caused your head to hurt, your car to shake and woke up the children you finally got to sleep. Now at first your probably thinking "what a dirty old fart hole! what kind of jerk finds it necessary to do this crap! Now I have to get kids #1 and #2 back to sleep and I have to listen to this crap for another 4 min until I'm done filling up! Does this song say MF-er 4 times in one sentence?...can you do that?" Now lets dissect this situation and see how foolish you feel. First lets discuss why the type/loud music. Is it possible that he is hard of hearing and mearly has it turned up so he can hear it? Maybe it's hard to hear through 2 due rags, 3 bandannas, and one fitted hat 2 sizes to large? Perhaps the more plausible reason is that he feels that he can bring joy to others be letting them listen to the great talent/magic he has found on this compact disc? I'll tell you now, I have learned several life lessons from this simple everyday interaction. The other day at local Chevron I learned that:

1. Shorties all be jockin' me fo cash!
2. The rapper singing is the best ever and all others are just jealous.
3. White people (cops in particular) are hatin' B#$#$%es who want no part of my S(#$*.
4. If you disrespect me I'll shank yo ass and steal yo girl!

All of these I consider to be life lessons that are great and are possibly worth waking our children up for! My 1 year old would rue missing such insight into the world he is growing up in by a true poet of the streets. So I for one am glad his windows are down so i can take part! Some of these guys are real troopers and even volunteer to do this in wind/dust storms, cold weather, rain, and many other conditions most of us would have our windows up for and have our heat possibly on!

Next time this situation happens to you, take the time to say thanks! wave hello! and say "My children and I thank you for the beautiful music and the way you've touched our hearts!"

So as you can see tolerance is an easy lesson. Just try to put yourself in the other persons shoes and it becomes much easier. By the way if any of you are from Utah I will post this again in a font that uses crayons so you can read it, or if you have family in from out of state maybe they can read it to you! retards!

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHA! I have never thought of it that way. I know Eminem has really taught me some lessons that I was unaware of until recently busting out the old cd's again. Thanks Eminem & Dr. Dre!
